Year-End Annual Fashion Show

We end each year (in June) with our Annual Fashion Show!

This is a very special occasion for all of us at SEW far, SEW good Sewing Studio and great opportunity for you to come and see what have we have been creating. Our students work very hard on creating their master pieces throughout the year, and always super excited to show them all off on the catwalk during our annual Fashion Show! 

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Our 4th Annual

Fashion Show Celebration

June 4th, 2023

SEW far, SEW good Studio Fashion Show will take place on June 4th, 2023, 12-3pm, at The Thornhill Masonic Hall, 30 Elgin Street, Thornhill.

A great chance to come and see what our talented students have been working on!

We are also very happy to announce that this year, at our celebration, we will be running our very own Craft Bazar, which will be featuring unique creations, crafted with love, by our own young students-entrepreneurs!